Thursday, February 23, 2012

Student voice-50 word response

The student voice can benefit in so many ways because it can show teachers and board members new ways of teaching and getting information, as well as making students feel included in decisions for their education. In my prespective the student voice is very important and is something that should be listened to.

Student voice- 25 word response

I think the student voice is important because it gives us a chance to give imput and our opinions on what is important to us.

Student Voice- 10 word response

We have a voice, but who will choose to listen?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Student voice: Question 3-What benefits are there for the board to listen to students?

The TCDSB can benefit so much from listening to the student voice because they can find out what student's likes and dislikes are and try to improve schools, therefore making a great leaning enviorment for students. Another way the TCDSB can benefit from listening to the student voice is by learning new methods and ideas of teaching and learning tools they wouldn't have known about otherwise, helping them improve many different schools.

Student voice: Question 2-Do adults really care about the student voice?

 I think that some adults listen to the student voice and some do not, depending on the adult. Some adults think kids are just kids and their opinions don't matter because they don't know whats best for themselves. On the other hand some adults know that kids know what they are good at and what they need to improve on and what the student's voice is.

Student voice: Question 1-Does our school and school board listen to student opinions?

  We should all be able to speak our voice and state our opinions. The more important question is will people choose to listen? In these blog posts I will be talking about the student voice and if people really do listen to us.

Firstly, I believe that our school and the TCDSB do listen to our opinions, but I do not think that they put our ideas and opinions into action. I do not think that stating your opinion really matters when nothing is done about it.  Student's opinions are very important because school is all about us and our skills and sucess   . If students opinions and ideas are put into action I think students will feel more included and feel that their opinion matters.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

School reform: Change 3

We are so Lucky to have all amazing technology in our school, but what about schools that are not able to afford this technology? While we have our net books and smart boards they have their textbooks and chalk boards and the question is; is this fair? No. I think the TCDSB should cater more to the schools who cannot afford the technology that richer can afford because I think it is important that all students get the same good quality of education. I'm sure schools that are able to fund raise and buy the expensive technology that they want wouldn't mind if those schools that are less lucky were catered to by the TCDSB, this way everything is fair and everyone is happy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Change #2: More healthy food guidelines

Food is like fuel for our bodies. If we give our bodies healthy food we are able to concentrate on our work and work to the best of our ability, but if we fuel our bodies with unhealthy food it does the exact opposite. Obviously we all enjoy the unhealthy foods and we typically have at least one piece of unhealthy food in our lunch a day, this should change. Schools should be more strict when it comes to the food students  bring to school and also what the school has as options to feed their students, ex. pizza lunch. I believe that if only healthy foods were brought and served at school, students would improve their school work. This would also benefit schools and teachers because their students will  be more attentive and enthusiastic, thus making their jobs alot easier. 

 A way to encourage students to make a healthy decision when eating is to show them how much they would gain by trading that cookie for an apple. Another is by having a certain day of the week where students are able to bring one unhealthy item to school, making the students think that they don't have to give up unhealthy food for good.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Change #1: More uniform choices

Have you ever not been able to find the exact clothing item for your uniform? I know I have! A big change I think should happen at our school is more uniform choices. I think it would be alot easier for students and most of all parents if there was more uniform choices. One change that I would like to make with uniforms is adding another colour - beige to the uniform, so there are more choices when uniform shopping. I think this will also decrece the amount of time students show up to school in non-uniform clothing because they will have more options on what to wear.

Another change I would like for the school uniform is more options for foot wear. I think ballet flats, ugg boots and sandals should be an option as well as running shoes. I think these types of shoes would look good with the uniform and also would not be a problem with students safety or how clean the school may be. Different options for shoes would also allow students to not be so bored with the same old clothing items everyday.